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Scope and Limitations:

This section aims to provide a concise overview of the scope and limitations of the research study titled "The Level of Awareness on Philippine Native Games among students in Colegio de San Antonio de Padua." It includes the following information:

1. Topic Being Investigated:

2. Variables of the Study:
3. Sources of Data:

4. Sampling Procedures:

5. Research Environment:
6. Type of Research Method and Design:
7. Research Instruments:

8. Expected Duration of the Study:

Can you give me the meaning of this
Certainly! Here is an explanation of the components you have listed regarding the scope and limitations of a research study:

1. Topic Being Investigated: This refers to the main subject or area of interest that the research study is focusing on. In this case, the topic is the level of awareness on Philippine native games among students at Colegio de San Antonio de Padua.

2. Variables of the Study: Variables are the factors or characteristics that are being measured, manipulated, or controlled in a research study. These can be independent variables (factors being changed or manipulated) and dependent variables (outcomes being measured). In your study, you may have variables related to students' awareness levels, demographics, or other relevant factors.

3. Sources of Data: This indicates where the researcher will gather information or data for the study. Data sources can include surveys, interviews, observations, existing records, or other sources depending on the research design.

4. Sampling Procedures: This outlines how the participants for the study will be selected. Sampling procedures can include random sampling, stratified sampling, convenience sampling, or other methods to ensure the participants are representative of the target population.

5. Research Environment: This describes the setting in which the research will take place. It could be a specific school, community, laboratory, or any other location relevant to the study.

6. Type of Research Method and Design: This refers to the overall approach and structure of the research study. Common research methods include qualitative, quantitative, experimental, observational, or mixed methods. The design outlines how the study will be conducted to answer the research questions.

7. Research Instruments: These are the tools or techniques used to collect data in the study. Instruments can include surveys, questionnaires, interviews, observations, or tests designed to measure the variables of interest.

8. Expected Duration of the Study: This indicates the projected timeframe for completing the research study, from data collection to analysis and reporting of results. The duration can vary depending on the complexity of the study design and the availability of resources.

Understanding these components can help you grasp the overall framework and boundaries of the research study you are investigating.

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