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Help Need ko ng US base Mobile Number Generator (Need Help)



Mga Lods, Sana meron maka tulong, need ko ng US Mobile Number and ung and baka mag send sila ng OTP sa number na yun paano ko kaya ma tatanggap din ung OTP na yun? meron kasi akong sinusubukang pag reregister kaso US Mobile Number need, bka meron kayong idea or tips na din. Thanks in Advance Lods.

Hello! I understand that you are looking for a US mobile number generator to receive OTPs for registration purposes. It's important to note that using fake or generated mobile numbers for OTP verification is against the terms of service of most platforms and can be considered fraudulent.

If you genuinely need a US mobile number for registration and you are located outside the US, here are some legitimate options you can consider:

1. Virtual Phone Number Services: There are online services that provide virtual US phone numbers for a fee. These numbers can receive calls and SMS messages, including OTPs. Some popular services include Google Voice, TextNow, and Twilio.

2. VoIP Apps: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps like Skype, WhatsApp, or Viber can also provide you with a US phone number that can receive OTPs.

3. Ask a Friend: If you have a friend or family member living in the US, you can ask them if you can use their phone number for OTP verification.

4. Temporary Number Services: Some websites offer temporary phone numbers for receiving SMS messages. Just be cautious as the reliability of these services can vary.

Remember to always use legitimate and authorized methods to obtain a phone number for OTP verification to avoid any legal issues or consequences. Hope this information helps you find a suitable solution. Let me know if you need more assistance or have any other questions.

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